Things to do in Japan ~Tours & Activities~

Provider information

Provider Online Travel Co.,Ltd./(Service by : Arashiyamatsusen)
Address 〒616-8365 京都府京都市ASSIST-90 2F, 1-18-14 Honjohigashi, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka-fu 531-0074, Japan
Provider's comments
The roofed boat floating upstream from Togetsukyo Bridge is called Yakatabune.
The boat is powered by a single pole manipulated by the boatman.
It departs from the boarding point, travels 1 km upstream to the entrance of Arashiyama s valley, and leisurely returns to the original boarding point.
Since the revival of pleasure boat rides by the Kurumazaki Jinja Shrine as the Mifune Matsuri in 1928, Yakatabune has become popular as a sightseeing boat to enjoy the scenic beauty of the famous Arashiyama.
In addition, in 1950, the court cormorant fishing that was conducted during the reign of Emperor Seiwa was revived, and even now, many people visit the boarding point to board the cormorant fishing observation boat during summer nights.
Please savor these moments aboard the Yakatabune, experiencing the original scenery of Arashiyama and escaping the hustle and bustle of the city.


【Cruise Tours】
[Arashiyama Yakatabune] Private Charter for 2-8 people! Enjoy a meal on a Yakatabune boat steered by a boatman with a bamboo pole!

  • Area Kyoto>
  • Earliest booking 5/22/2024
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【Cruise Tours】
[Arashiyama Yakatabune] Private charter available for 10 or more people! Enjoy a meal on a Yakatabune boat steered by a boatman with a bamboo pole!

  • Area Kyoto>
  • Earliest booking 5/24/2024
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Online Travel Co.,Ltd./(Service by : Arashiyamatsusen)

住所   〒616-8365 京都府京都市ASSIST-90 2F, 1-18-14 Honjohigashi, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka-fu 531-0074, Japan
営業時間   平日 $[営業時間]  土曜 $[営業時間]  日祝 $[営業時間]
定休日   $[定休日]
他休業日   $[その他休業日]








▼ プラン一覧



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